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The F Word Illusion - II

Count the F's in the image below first.In the paragraph below there are 10 F's! Most people under estimate the number of F's because they fail to notice them in the word 'of'. Function words like 'of' are unconsciously processed by our brain because they aren't important.


blogagog said...

Are you sure that is why people don't count the 'f' in 'of'? I've always believed that it is because the 'f' in 'of' sounds like a 'v', so it's processed by the brain as a 'v'.

Belle Epoque said...

You're right. I glossed over them to. Bad critical thinking skills, I'm sure that's what that proves...

Anonymous said...

I only counted 7 f's. at first when u said the f word illusion, i thot u meant the swear word!

Anonymous said...

Hey there's two "of" in a row! :O

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