WHAT DO YOU SEE below? Let me know in the comment section.
If you see the girl turning clockwise:
You are a RIGHT BRAIN thinker, which apparently means you are a creative thinker, you enjoy the arts, you like the thrill of working on new ideas and enjoy philosophical thinking.
If you see the girl turning anticlockwise:
You are a LEFT BRAIN thinker: which means you are a logical thinker, you enjoy rummaging through concepts for specifics, you enjoy mathematical concepts, science and are very pragmatic.
If you see the girl turning both ways:
You are a genius, (or telling fibs to impress your family and friends)
If you don’t see the girl turning at all:
You are probably brain dead or your computer needs fixed :P.
Wow! I'm a genius!
A very cool illusion. Thanks for keeping such a great website.
I was too busy visualizing her fully rendered to notice which way she was turning. Besides, my clock is digital.
Truth: clockwise. Funny, I always thought of myself as a left brain person. I have a degree in computer science and I was a computer programmer for about 10 years. Maybe that's why I got out.
I think the image is made so that she turns clockwise for a certain amount of time and the counter-clockwise for a set time, and then once again resumes the clockwise pattern.
Interesting illusion - thanks.
Most of the time she seems to go clockwise for me.
If I briefly shut the left eye & briefly look away the she usually goes anticlockwise. If I briefly shut the right eye & briefly look away then she goes clockwise again.
Confused of Winchester UK
no lie i must sound silly but i felt like i could make her do both ways as if she was like ice skating
This is kind of an illusion, yet it's not.
I looked at it for 15 minutes and watched.
My computer makes a buzzing noise when something is happening (loading, change, popup etc.)
Im watching it and then bam my computer buzzes and the girl turns the opposite way.
So it's turning one way then it switches after an ammount of time
mr.analyzer i think there is some problem with your PC.
ok so i examined this illusion for quite some time now and noticed that if i read where it says right brain thinker and look at the image at the same time she begins to go clockwise but if i quickly read left brain thinker it looks like she switches directions so indeed it is a real illusion.
Good Illusion!
My only comment...is this site running off of an Intel dual-core Xenon 2.55 gigahertz processor?
That's what I calculated from the rate of spin.
The Professor
lol thank you web master.i'll keep updating more cool stuffs.
Very clever, but I don't think it's as much an illusion as a confusion! As noted above, the graphic of the woman actually switches directions. But her illogical shadow is always consistent, confusing the mind. In reality, the shadow would switch directions, too!
Nope, it is a true illustion.
It is only turning one full rotation.
I have proof. I downloaded it and opened the file using Photoshop cs3 import video function.
It all depends on if she if facing toward you or away from you. If you look at her head, she will look like she is looking at you while she spins.
If you look at her hair, she starts off looking away from you.
Most of us will see her go clockwise, because her outer leg go es from the center to the right. to the center to the left. Over and over again.
It has nothing to do if your right or left brained. It has all to do with how you look at it from the beginning.
Here I slowed the animation down to 2 seconds a frame. There are a total of 34 frames.
I put it in the url where it ask choose an identity. So click on name at it will bring you to the gif.
I forgot to say, it is actually 2 frames per second on the previous post, so be patient while it turns.
And I think I may have misposted the address in my name on the previous one, click on my name on this one instead.
Thanks for very clever answer Boris
I am left handed so I think and see with the right side of my brain!
I am a genius!
When The Women is directly to the left or directly to the right, the postioning of her expended leg is ambiguous. Leaving it to the right or left side of ur brain to precieve which way she is spining
Or in my case spinning in both direction because i stared at it so long. Forming stonger nerve connectiongs in both the right and left side of my brain.
I initially saw it rotating clockwise. I was actually so sure that it couldn't possibly be interpreted any other way. So, for 30 minutes straight, I stared at the graphic and every time the outstretched leg passed the center (which I interpreted as behind), I would tell myself in my mind it was passing in FRONT. After that half hour, I actually saw it spinning counter-clockwise for a good minute or so, then it went back to clockwise. I win.
I can see it both ways,
if you concentrate on the foot on the floor, and the way the ankle twists you can almost make her go clock or anti-clockwise at will.
It took me a good ten minutes, but I can now make her change direction at will. Whenever I change my focus to the shadow for a couple of seconds, she will have changed the direction of her spin by the time I look back at the figure. I cannot, however, decide to see her turn one direction or the other - just make her reverse her direction.
Eh, under a minute and I got her spinning both ways.
To anyone who thinks that this is a trick... It's not...
I origionally thought that it was a trick and that the girl was spinning clockwise for a set time and then swapping to anti-clockwise and back to clock wise etc. And so to test my theory i wanted to see what my mum saw.
So, both me and my mum were staring at the computer for about 10 minutes together, and we saw different things.
We could both make her spin clockwise AND anti-clockwise, but while watching her spin my mum would see her spinning one way and i would see the other way, and we would see the girl swapping directions at different times; Not the same (making us see the same thing sometimes and different sometimes).
Therefore, i would like to say. this is not a trick..
Very good illusion. i love it!
also, i'm sorry if this comment did not make sense... it makes sense to me, but people find it hard to understand me sometimes. So good luck.
I just wonder how scientific these things are, or just fun and good time consuming things? In any case, is kind of fun. Thanks
do not think this is an illusion, to many that can see it go both way, seems to change at random intervals. there would be too many geniouses to not be fake.
For those of you who think it's a fake illusion that changes itself at random intervals, you are wrong. It's quite simple. Imagine seeing the silhouette of a hand with the thumb on the right side. This could be viewed as a right hand, palm towards you, or a left hand, palm away from you. Depends on how your mind interprets it. Same thing goes with the spinning girl. As her extended leg goes from left to right, it can be viewed as going behind her from left to right (clockwise), or swinging around front of her from left to right (counter-clockwise). Both ways the leg is still moving from left to right, but if it is imagined as moving in front of her she appears to be spinning one way, and if imagined behind her she would have to be spinning the opposite way. The reason it seems you can't just get it to change at will by imagining it spinning the other way is because your brain doesn't want to! Your brain settles on one direction and it's hard to tell it otherwise. The human brain automatically tries to make sense of things itself. It's not used to you telling it to view something a different way when it's already decided what it's seeing.
HI. I was actually show this by my Psych tacher. At first I saw the girl spinning counterclockwise. After a few minutes i can selectively choose which way this girl is spinning and even can see her change directions each time her legs overlap. I hardly think I am a genius, however.
I would also like to add in response to these people who say she is changing direction, that she does not change directions. I am able to cognitively choose which was I would like to see the girl spin and can tell you that I could watch her spin one way the whole time or possibly every other turn, depending on my choosing.
Cool illusion. I don't think it's an indication of genius though.
Here's a question that might tell us who's seeing it and who isn't... Which foot is she on?
Clearly she doesn't change feet, which would have to happen if it were a trick where the animation changes direction at random intervals. Since that doesn't happen, your mind just perceives the direction of rotation differently. Pretty nifty.
This is great! Three of us are looking at it together and arguing about which way she's turning and when she changes. The change must be due to our own perception if we're all seeing different things! Weird and a bit scary!
r u making us fool.....??? girl is turning left side for certaine period and then right side for another same period...
wow u guys r all not smart
ok its not a fake and it doesn't switch back and forth
only 14% of people in the U.S. population can see it....yale university did research on this for 5 years. if u can see it both ways your IQ is over 160
even though i can change her direction willingly with my mind i'm still confused on how it works but all i know is that its not some joke this is serious right, left, or both halves of the brain being used. and its obviously not a joke for me because i can make her whole body spin the other way and i can make both of her legs go up. if its clockwise its her right leg up and if its spinning counter clockwise its her left leg.
by the way the person who posted this has correct info on if ur a right,left. or both halves of your brain user. im creative and good at math and science. im 15 by the way but dont discriminate and say something like "what would a 15 year old know?"
well i guess it must be my smartness that is part of my ability. this was tested at yale university so its obviously not some joke
When you want her to change directions... Look at her stationary calve muscle.
Great illusion, I sent it to a lot of friends.
Yes, I can see it both ways, with very little difficulty switching. I can even make her go clockwise for half a turn, then back counterclockwise, but she does manage to change the foot she is standing on from right to left in a split second when I do that. But I do not think I am a genius. I think it depends on one's familiarity with graphic symbols and graphics in general.
More interesting to me is the logic behind assigning one direction of spin to left brain activity and the other direction to right brain activity. I think this concept is highly subjective at best.
It would be interesting to me to know the percentages of people that saw it going clockwise, counterclockwise, and those that could make it change at will, and IF there is some logic behind assigning a particular rotation to a particular way of thinking, that would be interesting to know.
Last comment, if it really was studied by someone at Yale, I would like to get a link to that study.
Thanks for sharing.
I was also able to see her change directions left to right, in the beginning I thought that it was a trick. then I asked 2 of my roommates to look at it with me. at first I thought my roommates were messing with me when they both told me they were seeing here change directions... at different times. one was turning left, for me it was right and my other roomates she looked at it turning right then it suddenly turned left for her and continued turning right for me. I doubt I have an IQ over 160 that would be just nuts. I work as a labourer and trust me my friends don't think i'm that smart. if you wish to test this for yourself and have no friends... open up two websites. if they both turn in different directions when you see them you know it's bs. think in math to turn anti-clockwise, think with imagination,pictures for clockwise.
she turns both ways. although i don't believe that it makes me a genius. i also don't believe it because if you really take a long time looking at it, you would eventually see that she is turning both ways. and i also don't believe that people won't see that. you'd have to be blind to see that she is only turning clockwise or counterclockwise.
I disagree with whoever said that it turns a different way after a certain amount of time. Me and two of my friends were looking at it for the same amount of time, and one of them saw it spinning clockwise, another saw it spinning counter-clockwise, and I saw it spinning both ways.
i can make her change direction, but i have to look away for a few seconds first...
I can make her turn whichever way I want. haha...
When I look at her feet specifically, I can make her do what I want- even to the point where I can keep her just turning ninety degrees one way, switching, and doing ninety degrees the other without any full rotation. Of course I have always been confusingly both brained like that... It's NOT a timing thing.
Wow, I managed to see her turning both ways and sometimes not at all, that is she appears to change direction before she has turned so all I see is her swinging her leg from left to right or right to left in front of me! Amazing.
i think that it turns wen you look at clockwise and anti-clockwise.well its how i think the brain will correspond
the trick here is the position of the leg & the position in which the upper body is laid backwards.
if u notice it from somewhere below her waist then it appears to be anti-clockwise as the feet move in the mentioned direction.
whereas, if u notice it from the top she appears to be moving clockwise due to her leaned back position.
a good illusion overall.
Just focus your eyes elsewhere off the girl and you'll see her switch directions, as someone alluded to above.
It's easy. When she gets to the point where her legs (meet) just tell yourself to make her go whatever direction you want.
I saw her smack her own ass while she was spinning what kind of thinker does that make me? anyone else notice that?
If you say "clock" she goes clockwise and if you say "anti", she goes anti clockwise. If you say "clockwise" she goes clockwise and if you say "anti clockwise" she goes anti clockwise. Put your head from side to side to make it go the way your want, example: if you move your head to the left, she will go clock wise and also if you move your head to the right she will go anti-clockwise. Also, if you tilt your head up and down. She goes up and down. Also from the picture drag your finger to the right and to the left, see what happens. Last of all just say in your head which way to go and see what happens.
Theese may not work for all of you, but have a try, I can do them all what I said. I am a genius. No offence, but I am a genius and clever and I'm under 10.
Sadat from Bangladesh:
I saw her thrice to move anti clockwise and rest of all the times in clockwise
What happens when we see her change direction (voluntarily or involuntarily):
She'll turn out spinning one way (e.g., clockwise). But at some point your eyes will drift downwards, and when you look back at her, she'll be spinning in the opposite direction.
If you concentrate on her shadow, the shadow of her spinning legs show them moving in the opposite direction (e.g., counter-clockwise). When you look back up at the body, her body is now spinning in the same direction you saw in the shadow (counter-clockwise). But when you concentrate again on the shadow, it's spinning opposite to its previous direction (counter-clockwise).
You can make her change direction at will in this manner for an infinite amount of time. I have no idea why this can be done.
I not only see her moving clockwise and counter. I can make her change at my will.
wow. i could only see her going clockwise most of the time previously. but now i'm able to see her spin anti-clockwise, and back at any time.
the trick is to look at her legs and imagine either one behind the other depending on which direction you wish to see her spin.
It's weird. When I wonder what her face looks like and I start to picture it, it turns clockwise. When I'm thinking about how to describe the picture, it turns counter clockwise, which is what it's doing as I'm writing this comment out.
It's pretty cool
The girl will go left or right, or side to side as i see fit.
This clever illusion explains the universe.
If you think "this" is a set up device... You are doomed.
I mostly saw her clockwise but could see her counter-clockwise. The best was when I watched her spinning crossed eyed! There would be two ladies spinning and I able to see "them" spin clockwise or counter-clockwise!
At first, I saw it anti-clockwise, but I then close my eyes, and "forcing" my brain to think it's clockwise, and I got it clockwise. However, it's a little bit hard to get my brain anti-clockwise again.
Pretty good image :-)
On my computer the illusion wasn't even there! NO PICTURE!
My girlfriend's response was, "She does that well!"
what does it mean if i can see her spinning both ways?? at first she is spinning anticlockwise and then i read something and look back and she is spinning clockwise then i stop close my eyes and she spins anticlockwise again...why is this so??please respond if you can via email at Gemini.17@live.com.au thanks :)
I see it both ways. Boggles my mind to see what are brains tell us what to do and what things should look like. :P
I can turn the girl both ways, though it is slightly easier to turn the girl counter-clockwise. Sadly, I don't feel like a genius yet.
-Anonymous "Genius"-
Wow, if you look at her leg and THINK its behind or infront of the standing leg, you change her direction o.o
no matter how hard or long i stare for its allways going clock-wise
Wow!! I've seen this before, years ago and been amazed. After reading through the comment I was intrigued by one anon poster who said to stare at it cross-eyed (or squint). I took it a step further and concentrated for a minute or two, eventually you can get them spinning both directions at once!
So, the existing image, made double by crossing your eyes and making one spin clockwise and the other anticlockwise, either inwards, towards eachother, or outwards away from eachother. (to me inwards is much easier, though takes time, I'm battling my brain to make them spin outwards...arg, still not succeeding! good luck. :)
tried once more before posting, inwards becoming a little easier but outwards confounds me, I even opened the image in two Firefox windows and placed them next to eachother..... hmmmm... what if you get four images....
Lol im a genius!!
As she is spinning counter clockwise and her back is to you notice her head is tilting to the left. When she changes direction and goes clockwise her head is tilted to the right when her back is to you. This proves the picture is changing at random intervals.
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